Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Impeach the junta

World War III was announced three weeks ago,
this is serious.
Based on what?
I'm sorry if I sound like a scratched CD (33-rpm record)

My local politicians are useless to bring impeachment:
Hillary is busy running on a muddy record
Schumer only talks on Sundays
King is a lackey
Who else do I have?

Biden mentioned impeachment,
bring the junta down,
regime change now, in house.

Global warming will help us reduce heating costs,
that's good,
however, my house will be flooded. Oh, too bad.
Global warming will help us reduce oil dependency,
wean us off the barrel, please.

The dollar is weak worldwide,
school scores against industrialized nations are low,
don't piss off the panda nation, buy cheap.

The boys are coming back, most hurt,
but you can't see the scars, no.

Intelligence abandoned the white house,
the two house plug along, working less than ever.

Impeach the junta, it's not too late.