Friday, December 28, 2018

Second to last run for 2018

Friday, December 28, 2018

I don't know why, but I woke up a little after 4:00 a.m.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to run in the morning rain. I pondered this decision while I had two cups of coffee with no sugar.

The rain is usually sufficient justification to stay back inside, and then the right knee was also chiming in to the chorus of excuses.

I looked back on what I did yesterday, or actually didn't do yesterday, and began to feel antsy. I couldn't fathom another day of inactivity, sitting on the couch most of the day, searching on YouTube for anything that could catch my short attention span.

I looked outside to see how bad rain was, or wasn't.

Still dark outside and mild for a December, I headed out and felt the drizzling rain on my face, which really doesn't matter, but on my prescription glass yes. I took them off and ran with the blurry view of ill defined shapes and figures.

The right knee was talking - Go back inside, I am hurting. I kept going, and the knee pain actually disappeared.

I ran with the bulky GTS Adrenaline Brooks sneakers, really tight laced to feel a closer impact to the feet.

The rain kept falling and I didn't care. I was happy to be outside, stepping on puddles, avoiding uneven sidewalks and tree roots. I was in my world, step after step, one step at a time, making progress of moving along.

I no longer care what motorists or people say when they see me running early in the morning. I only care that I am moving, breathing, feeling the heart beat, and the contraction-expansion of the lungs.

I don't know why I often think about how the homeless literally survive nature's elements, and ask myself how would I cope if places were traded.

I didn't care that the sneakers, pants, gloves, head cap were wet. However, I did care that I tamed the beast in me by simply going outside for a few minutes in the dark temple of the dawn. and completed a 4.5 mile run.

I will attempt one more run before the clock runs out on 2018/


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