Tuesday, October 18, 2005

English instructor falls for brown skin girl

"What do you want from me?",
said the brown skin girl to the English instructor.
"For now, some candy mints.
Other than that, things I can only say in the dark of the night",
he replied.

She blushed, not expecting this direct response.
"Your husband won't let you out tonight anyway",
the instructor interjected."

Don't worry, my gringo man",
she said.
The English instructor discusses the matter
with a colleague, who said to him:
"Just tell your chola that you are going out tomorrow night
to do some sports.
You'll be all sweaty from chasing the brown skin girls anyway,
that your chola won't know the difference.
Just make sure you keep score, of time, that is".

That night, the English instructor met the brown skin
girl at the restaurant, they had a pleasant conversation,
and drank some ice-cold,
brown bottled Pilseners
to ease up the tension built up inside them for a long time.

Back in his government issued natural gas vehicle,
he tried to whisper some "sweet-nothings" in Spanish in her ear,
as he tried to unbutton her sturdy bra.
She got worked up
more by his devil blue eyes and pale skin
than any word
he inflicted to the Spanish language.
Love is beautiful
when opposites attract,
and more so, when it's prohibited.

From "Salt 'N Pepper", Copyright Material.

JJ Rousseau,
El Contrato Social (fragmento)-

La dulce voz de la naturaleza ya no es una guía infalible para nosotros, ni la independencia que de ella recibimos es un estado deseable; la paz y la inocencia se nos han escapado para siempre, antes de que pudiéramos disfrutar de sus delicias; la feliz edad de oro, insensible para los estúpidos hombres de los primeros tiempos y que se les escapó a los hombres ilustrados de tiempos posteriores, fue siempre un estado extranjero a la raza humana, sea porque no lo reconoció cuando pudo gozarlo o porque lo perdió cuando pudo conocerlo.