Cedar Beach, Miller Place (Sprint Triathlon Site for Swim)
On Thursday, April 30th, 2015, I went to Cedar Beach to get a preview of where the June 6th, 2015, Sprint Triathlon was going to take place. I've read some post race reviews from recent years, and the water temperature and choppy waves became a concern. Well, on this day, the water was calm, andI didn't bother to check the temperature, while I don't have a wetsuit for this. I have resumed the swim training at the pool, which is not the same as swimming in the open water. The swim distance for this event is 1/2 mile or 30 laps in a pool. I am not concerned with the run portion for this event, as it appears to be along the shore, a mostly flat terrain. The cycling should be interesting with the hills I noticed as I drove to Cedar Beach. But on a bike, one has gears to manipulate.Got to keep training.

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