Reo Del Cigarrillo in the New York Times - Part 1
... . quién se apiadará de estas manos huérfanas, descuidadas bajo el dominio de siglos de sombras, cuyas intenciones de convertir insignias sordas a pirámides en el desierto, abandonaron el anhelo de existir en el peldaño de la esperanza, aniquilaron la mañana rebosa antes que puntualmente arribara la aurora en la soga de la hamaca ...llega el insólito anuncio de la muerte en el ojo del águila, sobra la sequía de caras alegres para influir la decisión en la desembocadura del destino y esta pluma Derechos Reservados del Autor, DWDel Poemario Bilingue "The Winter of AUtumn"
Latin American Literature #8083 - saldevate 4:20 PM ET June 17, 2005En el tren nuevo - Reo Del Cigarrillo
Ojo AzuladoOjo por ojo, ocho por ocho. seis por seis, xoxo por sexo. Palabra taladra, obra de cabra...
Latin American Literature #7567 - martinbeck3 8:46 AM ET May 5, 2005REO DEL CIGARRILLO
I know most of your poems are about love I was just asking if there was a special one for 100 YOS.Maybe it had gotten you inspired. Let´s play *un picadito* -short football match between a few friend-, usually played in vacant lots where two bottles or two T-shirts mark the goal(arco).
Latin American Literature #7555 - martinbeck3 7:03 PM ET May 3, 2005REO DEL CIGARRILLO
Any poem on Love?
Latin American Literature #7386 - martinbeck3 4:16 PM ET April 21, 2005REO DEL CIGARRILLO
Call me selfish but I very much want poets to be alive so that they can *regalar* (treat?) us with their art.
Latin American Literature #7305 - martinbeck3 6:10 PM ET April 14, 2005REO DEL CIGARRILLO
Good to read your new poem .A treat every afternoon I think you are entitled to be our Poet Laureate,specially since the one we had before left us, all his children, abandoned and seldom shows up.
Latin American Literature #7289 - martinbeck3 8:27 PM ET April 13, 2005REO DEL CIGARRILLO
How come a German can be such a great Latin poet.You never cease to amaze me. That is a lovely piece on your old *maestro*. Keep feeding us with your poetry.It reminded me of my childhood days in the school swimming pool.
Latin American Literature #7230 - martinbeck3 5:21 PM ET April 6, 2005REO DEL CIGARRILLO
Now then, I just can´t believe you are German!!
Latin American Literature #7223 - martinbeck3 4:45 PM ET April 6, 2005REO SALDEVATE del CIGARRILLO,now turned more Polish than the Pope :)
You feeling gloomy today? I suppose poets are melancholic persons.How come with that Polish surname you signed you copyright with you can rhyme in Spanglish so well as you did in the Creative Forum? Or is that a friend of yours who owns the C.R.´s
Latin American Literature #6942 - martinbeck3 7:06 PM ET March 2, 2005REO DEL CIGARRILLO
I have the answer for your monetary problems-inspired by Catto´s plight- You should sell love poems like the writer in Central Station ,the Brazilian movie.She wrote letters for the illiterate.Not that Catto is illiterate-god forbid I insult the Laird of the Hi Lands- but he is poetically incapable. See the film it´s great!
Latin American Literature #6955 - saldevate 11:47 AM ET March 3, 2005Never Forget 3/11 or 9/11
Nervios en la punta del cañón,hombre herido, resentido, adolorido, camina hacia el centro de la duda. Las ruinas entreveradas de sangre, hueso, prendas de ropa, gritos de horror. Desesperanza “apaliza” al seso, repite la mañana del once mil veces, voces ahogadas sin respuestas de socorro...
Latin American Literature #6954 - saldevate 11:43 AM ET March 3, 2005Que diria Unamuno, Alonso y Lorca?
Hoy acuesto a mi pluma vencida, sin voz, sin alas, rendida. Hoy fallecio uno de mis hermanos, hermanas, padres, madres, tios, tias, amigos, amigas. Que diria Unamuno, Alonso, Lorca?..
Latin American Literature #6953 - saldevate 11:38 AM ET March 3, 2005On Madrid's Anniversary: The March 11th Bombing
Vino la mañana del once, tercer mes del año. Vino para que nadie olvidara esta fecha - la mano siniestra de Caín llevaría consigo mochilas cargadas con el peso del odio completo que solamente el hombre sabe sembrar, engendrar y cosechar. Entre tantos principios y entremedios, algunas almas inocentes nunca llegaron a desembarcarse ante la última parada de la estación...
Latin American Literature #6905 - martinbeck3 9:47 AM ET February 22, 2005REMEMBER *REO DEL CIGARRILLO*?
Sometimes he posted here being a NY-Lat poet-and very good one- .Well he was copied by someone. REO IF YOU ARE LURKING AROUND: THIS IS WHAT I POSTED TO DONOTREMOVE IN *CREATIVE* "Just read you answer on REO DEL CIGARRILLO. I knew right away his poems were great.I bet someone will publish them or worst still they will come out as lyrics in music.I wonder if a having first posted them here would serve as proof in a lawsuit.He should sue those guys." I´ll post this both in *lounge* and LatAm lit...
Latin American Literature #6317 - martinbeck3 10:11 AM ET November 21, 2004MACDOWALL
I´ll ask Reo del Cigarrillo a buddie poet -excellent- usually over in Creative Writing or in Trans. -he´s LatNYC- to translate "vaina" for us,I know exactly what it means ,but as most slang words they are the most difficult.
Latin American Literature #5960 - martinbeck3 10:50 AM ET October 28, 2004HI! SARAMAGO READERS
MACDOWALL, -that´s the mac-woman-so you are still Googling Archeologizing for us ! Great! You don´t know how important that is .We used to have an Official Linkmeister,NNYHAV, but he´s taken off with The Meadnering Forum Liberation Front .I miss his/her links but now we have you ...
Latin American Literature #5953 - saldevate 4:25 PM ET October 27, 2004Conferencia Convocatoria de la Asociación de Basureros Internacionales
Asociación de palabrasCinemató * grafo = A color Porno * grafo = Discreto Gráfico = full time Co. = Contrario a Cía Cín * ico = Escritor Crít * ico = Observador Públ * ico = Galeria Bás * ico = Ilustre Acíd * ico = Limones Sád * ico = Sexo M * ico = Presidente Absol * uto = Vodka Contrib * uto = Soborno A * uto = Piernas L* uto = Perenne Chu * ta = Sagrado ma * dre = No vaya alla! Reo Del CigarrilloOctubre 27, 2004
Latin American Literature #5644 - wojtczack 4:04 PM ET October 5, 2004Abre la boca y di verga en ingles
Oye Pibe no te tires al río, Río de la Plata, que lo contaminas con tus proteínas y vitaminas y minerales y cereales, necedades y necesidades. Oxídate, pero no manches, acelérate, disfrázate. Tápate la boca, los oídos, los ojos...
Latin American Literature #5532 - martinbeck3 3:35 PM ET September 20, 2004FASULO
Try the Creative Writing forum I think you´ll find it a *cozy nook*.There´s a guy there who is half Croatian or Polish and half Latin ,sort of like you. He writes great poetry.That letter to Borges you can post there.He´s called Reo del Cigarrillo when he writes and something I´ll never be able to remember –Polish or Chek,I guess- for a nick. Anyhow THIS will always be Borges´ forum ,too ,obviously –*obbio*-...
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