I am taking a 5 minute break
said the traffic attendant
His co-worker said
"you haven't even started your shift"
That's alright,
you take 5 minutes and 5 minutes
and so on you got 8 hours responded
the traffic attendant
"Give me 5 minutes
with a chola like
Jennifer Lopez and
I could sleep 8 hours"
said the co-worker
In the mean time,
traffic backed up
and no one could move in any direction,
neither the traffic attendant
nor his co-worker were fazed
by the cars honking their horns
"It don't really matter,
I am going to be here 8 hours,
5 minutes at a time,
all I make is minimum wage and
it's not worth the hassle"
said the traffic attendant
"Man, you got to get serious,
5 minutes with JayLo is big time love,
can't understand why Pee Diddy let her go"
said the co-worker"
It's life, just like traffic,
it all goes away sooner or later",
said the traffic attendant
From "Salt 'N Pepper"
Reo Del Cigarrillo - Copyright Material
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