Wednesday, March 06, 2019

The day after the fall

Still sore and wounded after yesterday's spectacular fall. I think this is the worst fall I have ever experienced while jogging, landing literally on both knees, like my sneakers were caught by the uneven sidewalk lip.

Lessons learned:
  1. Don't jog on uneven sidewalks.
  2. Don't jog on sidewalks.
  3. Jog along the road shoulder.
  4. Jog slower.
  5. Jog with a light on my head pointed to the sidewalk.
  6. Don't jog at all.
  7. Go back to swimming.
  8. Try another gentle sport.
I don't want to even fathom what's going inside the knee area. Am I accelerating its deterioration with advancing age?

If I wasn't wearing gloves for the cold weather, I would've scraped my hands much worse than they are right now.

Yesterday after work even though it was winter cold, I wore shorts to accelerate the closure of the knee scabs. I am sure the neighbors didn't bother questioning what's wrong with me, as they already know what's wrong with me, jogging between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m.

And the socket to my right should is also hurting, that I can't rotate it. Lots of rest will say the physical therapist - so I will say it to myself for free.

Why do I keep tripping on sidewalks, in particular along Grand Avenue?
Lazy foot?
Invisible troll with a rope?
An Omen? A sign?

Inquiring minds don't want to know, but I do.

Now, I go back and walk like I have locks on my knees.



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