Reo Del Cigarrillo in the New York Times - Part 3
Creative Writing #7786 - saldevate 10:58 AM ET August 12, 2005thanks DNR
yes indeed, I am a family man, a happy family man, but unhappy as a human in this modern world where so much could be done, with all the technological improvements, humans address problems like cavemen.... btw, check out July, there's more.... thanks for your words
Creative Writing #7783 - saldevate 7:47 AM ET August 12, 2005Día 223Joven, practica mucho, para lo útil de la vida: practica puntería con un rifle o desarrolla callos en la mano con una pala para sepultar a tus hermanos. Desarrolla la habilidad de matar a un hombre con tus propias manos, atina a sus fragilidades, lávate bien las uñas después del entierro. Degollar a una gallina requiere determinación, también el gol de la vida...
Creative Writing #7670 - saldevate 1:10 PM ET July 22, 2005DNR
the only thing I can do is to denounce this atrocity taken place everywhere No daughter should go through this! None.
Creative Writing #7667 - saldevate 11:46 AM ET July 22, 2005drfaustus
it's heartbreaking, poor little girl, to see her father die next to her, and his blood splattered on the brick's really too much to bear!
Creative Writing #7663 - saldevate 8:53 AM ET July 22, 2005 No daughter should ever live thisTo Jalil Shaalan's daughter Could I tell her that there's a difference between a bullet and hate, that there's a difference between a Sunni and a Shiite, that there's a difference between life and death in Baghdad? Could I comfort her by saying that nearly twenty five thousand have lost their lives as her father's?..
Creative Writing #7118 - saldevate 3:29 PM ET May 23, 2005Reo Del Cigarrillo still lurks the lurkers and censors
Infectious 'n gracious rhapsodyThere's no time 2 think when ya gotta swim, 2 much talking makes me cough. Squatters 'n beggars by pirate cds 'n dvds, no wasting real estate 4 da legitimate thing. Bling, blang, here's da booty boom-boom thang...
Creative Writing #6579 - saldevate 3:42 PM ET April 15, 2005One-time appearance: the next revolutionMC Reo Del Cigarrillo and his band Buffalos in the Village will make a one-time appearance (wherever you please and feel at ease) and present you with the latest joint, the dopest tracks laid out before mice and men, the thickest and longest chrome plated verses, relentlessly spinning on the one's and two's. Bring yourself, whole and complete, to melt and expand your caged mind. All are welcome to ride inertia and dementia on ten ton wheels of steel and might...
Creative Writing #6510 - saldevate 1:12 PM ET March 31, 2005Reo Del Cigarrillo in English
Accused of CigaretteThe smokers gather on the rooftop, and redeem the cigarette's smoke for a few hymns of solidarity. Burnt matches listen as the wind battles over the obscene newspaper's red ink. The box of matches imitates the lung's static mimes, as lungs withhold the congestion in the space designated for ether...
Creative Writing #6502 - saldevate 3:56 PM ET March 30, 2005Reo del CigarrilloLos fumadores parados en la azotea canjean el humo de cigarrillo por unos himnos de solidaridad y unos fósforos quemados escuchan al viento combatir la obscenidad de la crónica roja del periódico. Las cajetillas imitan las muecas estáticas de los pulmones, que aguantan el congestionamiento en el espacio designado para materia etérea. La fecha de expiración carece importancia al referirse a la vida, pero no a la de leche...
Creative Writing #6491 - saldevate 2:08 PM ET March 23, 2005Reo Del Cigarrillo is Alive and Kicking
Terri SchiavoVengan rapiñas: jueces, abogados y muertos. Os queréis desconectar un obsequio divino. Qué define la vida: un cerebro un corazón un alma...
Creative Writing #6447 - martinbeck3 6:27 PM ET March 2, 2005Reo del Cigarrillo just wrote -this morning- a great poem in Spanish in the LatAm lit. forum.This time he had it copyrighted.
Creative Writing #6421 - saldevate 11:37 AM ET February 22, 2005List of Plagiarized Poems, not including translations
1. Perro/ Dog 2. Picasso 3...
Creative Writing #6419 - martinbeck3 9:32 AM ET February 22, 2005DONOTREMOVE
Just read you answer on REO DEL CIGARRILLO. I knew right away his poems were great.I bet someone will publish them or they will come out as lyrics in music.I wonder if a having them first posted in these forums would serve as proof in a lawsuit.He should sue those guys. I´ll post this both in *lounge* and LatAm lit...
Creative Writing #6369 - martinbeck3 4:29 PM ET February 16, 2005Where are Reo del Cigarrillo and his poems? I´ve been away on holidays and he´s disappeared.
Creative Writing #6321 - saldevate 1:07 PM ET February 1, 2005De todos los continentes que he visitado, el más extraño ha sido tu mente. Trato de escarbar la superficie para llegar al coro de tu ira, tu resentimiento, tu envidia. He intentado atravesar la carapaza que rodea tu corazón...
Creative Writing #6257 - raconine 5:28 PM ET January 21, 2005Another Translation
Hope you don't mind, Criminal Cigarette. Babelfish... now that's funny stuff!..
Creative Writing #6256 - raconine 5:08 PM ET January 21, 2005A Babelfish Translation
Hmm... just out of curiousity... saldevate - 3:08 PM ET January 21, 2005 (#6274 of 6276) Entrada de diario, enero 20, 2005 I responded the material mainly that I have collected to date and I decided to add photos of the project...
Creative Writing #6253 - saldevate 4:27 PM ET January 21, 2005Entrada de diario, Enero 17, 2005
Estaba nevando en la mañana, pero no era mucho de qué preocuparme. Traté de leer el periódico, pero el cántico de aves silvestres llegó a mi oído. Desayuné pan con mantequilla y mermelada de uva, para no repetir lo mismo de ayer...
Creative Writing #6255 - saldevate 5:06 PM ET January 21, 2005Entrada De Diario, Enero 12, 2005
¡Qué cosa! Despierto desde las 3:30 a.m. por el trasteo de los gatos en los tachos de basura...
Creative Writing #6252 - saldevate 4:08 PM ET January 21, 2005Entrada de diario, enero 20, 2005
Respondí sobre todo el material que he colectado hasta la fecha y decidí añadir unas fotos del proyecto. Traté de averiguar en la mañana unas cosas que no recuerdo sobre el pasado. La memoria me pidió que escribiera una recomendación para mantener el hilo intacto hacia el futuro...
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