Reo Del Cigarrillo in the New York Times - Part 4
Letter Addressed to Charles (Chinaski) BukowskiJanuary 5, 2005 Dear Chinaski: I got a great life, but it ain't complete. I got cartons of Marlboro's, but I don't smoke anymore. I got a case of Miller's, but I can't drive no more...
Creative Writing #6117 - saldevate 4:54 PM ET December 17, 2004Anti Poema - Feli (Sí) Dádes
Comadrita Ana anda por el suelo, con el anzuelo jala consuelo. Sale del duelo porque le duele la muela vieja del muelle. El dentista le entrevista por su vista de revista...
Creative Writing #6108 - saldevate 11:16 AM ET December 16, 2004Desnudo Se Ama Mejor
Poemínimo Naturalriver, you are,
streaming flowing
scouring - dynamic rock, I am, a
mineral with hardness,
cleavage, stillness - static together as
the Magdalena River we compose
the landscape Natural
skin Reo Del CigarrilloDecember 16, 2004
Creative Writing #6103 - saldevate 9:29 AM ET December 15, 2004Medallas de Sangre
Return Presidential Medal of FreedomMoney and medals for war, awards for failure and chaos, deflection from reality at any cost, while the true soldiers battle a Jihad, no westerner had ever invoked. Bremmer, Tenet and Franks, bestowed and honored as war figures - Yes, a war of failures, shortsightedness. War is rewarded with medals...
Creative Writing #6066 - saldevate 12:33 PM ET December 9, 2004Reo Del Cigarrillo Lurks
A crime in active dutyAs the sun heads away to California, I'll remain as a crime in progress. The scene remains to be set, as the motive brews little by little. Chalk waits to trace a surface...
Creative Writing #6020 - saldevate 9:34 AM ET December 3, 2004Unsolicited Manuscript to a Soldier in Iraq
Dear Esteemed Soldier: I am usually never short of words. This writing comes out of those serendipitous circumstances in life, where a (paper) flyer was distributed among children at the local kindergarten requesting donations for soldiers in Iraq. Interesting enough, one of the items on the list was "soft cover" books...
Creative Writing #5967 - saldevate 1:29 PM ET November 24, 2004No soy un hijuepoeta ni poeterrorista
I am not what I am accused of.Your honor, I've been called to appear and answer words to the court. I fully understand the severe charges leveled against my person...
Creative Writing #5963 - saldevate 11:51 AM ET November 23, 2004Hey Ladies - Personal Ad
Personal AdI'm another married man looking for a million women for dating and possible other things that happen on tv. I am stocky, short fused, temperamental, mental, knobby hands, hairy and hunched back. I don't like to shave or shower everyday, and brushing my teeth is really a chore...
Creative Writing #5962 - saldevate 10:29 AM ET November 23, 2004Reo Del Cigarrillo Fuma la Pipa de Paz con sus enemigos
Fraternity of LettersmithsNature has its cures and poisons; allures and potions. Man, his causes and excuses. I listen for the impact between lead and sepia, while lined up, blind folded, naked I hold with clenched teeth an orchid's stem...
Creative Writing #5950 - saldevate 2:01 PM ET November 22, 2004Sequia Poetica, por Reo Del Cigarrillo
DroughtDry, no matter how I try, I can't write - not even a trite verse. Exasperated to float above, ill exonerated to push and shove, fractions break what one amends, or so attempts from head to neck. I waste away in a world that calls me to participate, yet I hesitate, I debate, and in haste, equivocate...
Creative Writing #5941 - saldevate 2:45 PM ET November 19, 2004Electroterapiaelectroterapiaelectroterapiaelectro
BombardmentWake up to the caustic sound of an alarm, shock the eyes with artificial sun bulbs, put the body through a fusillade of water, infuriate the blood stream with caffeine, dust off pleasant thoughts with a quick news update, clock your existence early to work and then say: "Good morning". Reo Del CigarrilloNovember 19, 2004
Creative Writing #5921 - saldevate 3:13 PM ET November 17, 2004Dedicated to DianneMiller
Told meA ballerina told me that lyrical words, not music, left her dance incapacitated. A writer told me that earth music, not words, eased senses to a willing pen. A florist told me that a Maui rainbow colors the perfect flower...
Creative Writing #5919 - saldevate 1:29 PM ET November 17, 2004How should I write/right?
someone made a general question: How should I write? I replied........... write as if it was your last day on earth with the biggest chip on your shoulder and your heart on fire, while running out of oxygen and your legs are breaking bones write as if you were a desperate sailor on the high seas waiting for the storm to churn your gust abroad write as if you were weak, helpless, trying to fend off the crows from pecking your eyes balls write like no one in history has ever done, as if your intestines were ripped by a rusted knife, your pancreas drinks blood, and your liver has been chopped up by the merciless mercenary in your head write with blood, spit right write with coal, glass rite pay your dues.....
Creative Writing #5913 - saldevate 3:09 PM ET November 16, 2004Solidaridad -
Solidaridad con los poetas, no solamente de Cuba, sino de todos los países que temen a la voz de la verdad. La luz del día nos llega con el arribo del sol, tanto como el aire, agua, y los frutos de la tierra. Quien quiera interponerse a la voluntad de su hermano no valora a la libertad del ser, no valora su propia existencia...
Creative Writing #5906 - saldevate 4:24 PM ET November 15, 2004La Venganza Del Reo
How was your writing day?The writing in the morning is the best, adrenaline and caffeine kicks in, full of energy fueled by the sun, fueled by the promise of newness, lyrical birds on flight to be the first in verse, and I feed their frenzy. By midday when the stomach begins to digest and I am short of oxygen, anvil words knock louder than a siesta's will...
Creative Writing #5901 - saldevate 11:20 AM ET November 15, 2004Reo Del Cigarrillo has landed again!!!!!
Here today from Santa Fé de Bacatá - Part IIINueva York only asks me to be, to be myself and no one else. Exit doors are clouds found on the #7 train.. There is no fountain of reason or lightness hiding under a hammock to explain the nomadic process...
Creative Writing #5900 - saldevate 9:46 AM ET November 15, 2004Thanks to all on Friday
for expressing your support for the arts, in particular, poetry, or whatever the hell I write. I will keep writing as long as I can express myself without repeating anything previously written, as long as I can keep it original and relevant. I adhere to "if you have nothing to say, than don't say it", and apply it to poetry too...
Creative Writing #5868 - saldevate 10:15 AM ET November 12, 2004thanks dnr, I am truly glad you liked this, and while I am being sincere, I am forgetting how to write a poem and each time it gets more frightening than the previous time........thanks for the heads-up on the last stanza..... Remember amigos Sal De Vate = Reo Del Cigarrillo
Creative Writing #5866 - saldevate 9:59 AM ET November 12, 2004Otro Poema De Don Senor Reo Del Cigarrillo para sus amigos del NYTIMES
I forgot how to write a poemI forgot how to write a poem. I am lost now, looking for metaphors and open doors. I am afraid to repeat past verses and old tenses...
Creative Writing #5858 - saldevate 5:01 PM ET November 11, 2004Reo Del Cigarrillo strikes otro fosforo
Here today from Santa Fé de Bacatá - Part IITwenty six hundred miles and many airplanes between Santa Fé De Bacatá and Nueva York. More years in the Gran Manzana than the place of my natality. I have no affiliation to the Districto Capitalino, yet I am branded in every application for being conceived and birthed there...
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