Reo Del Cigarrillo in the New York Times - Part 5
Here today from Santa Fé de BacatáIt took some decades and some twenty six hundred miles between the place of my natality and adulthood to finally establish a well defined personality. I don't owe any graces, traits or blessings to my birthplace and it's very likely my heart won't rest there either. I have grayed and carried my own weighed cross, carved callousness off my back and hands, and stayed in place against the call of other destinies...
Creative Writing #5821 - saldevate 4:10 PM ET November 5, 2004Predicciones del foekinghijueputa Reo Del Cigarrillo
From second nature to unknownThe news is spreading worldwide that the emperor has received an extension to his reign. The silent moral majority has triumphed. The sun rays are now knives, the laws weapons, the hawkeagles blankets of fear, words are penal sentences...
Creative Writing #5807 - saldevate 12:05 PM ET November 3, 2004Vida Puta Punto Com
Somewhere Hart Crane is calling meIf the wind could pick me up like a leaf and throw me off the Robert Moses Causeway bridge, instead of driving to the midspan of the bridge, pull off, park, block traffic, so that I can pretend to be both, wind and leaf, and complete once and for all the intended trajectory. Reo Del Cigarrillo November 3, 2004
Creative Writing #5788 - saldevate 10:47 AM ET November 2, 2004how to votevote for 11 hundred dead soldiers vote for 10 thousand dead Iraqis vote for a 3 year free bin laden vote for high price gas vote for NRA liberties vote for military no bid contracts vote for trans- generational deficits vote for an agitated world vote for friends of Dick and Don, Condi and Colin vote your head with your arms against the wall Reo Del Cigarrillo November 2, 2004
Creative Writing #5740 - saldevate 11:24 AM ET October 26, 2004Poema en ingles del Reo Del Cigarrillo
Maritime TaleSpoke a stranded sailor in maritime terms of abstract endeavor and of wonder femmes - As I muscle through your tongue to reach and touch your sandfilled heart, free a kiss to wreck a star fear not waves of us together, this tidal current or fire after; Neither heat from the Tropic of Cancer nor Capricorn will ease the anxiety I long to spread from me to you. Blindfolded I walk the plank, if it takes sharks to make me bleed. Reo Del CigarrilloOctober 26, 2004
Creative Writing #5757 - saldevate 1:56 PM ET October 27, 2004Ilustre y Honorario Presidente De La Republica Reo Del Cigarrillo
Though I am not running for office and I will not make hollow promises to my constituency, I would like to clear up that running around naked will not harm the environment or will blind some good folks. Through the written letter in the past years, I have exposed more than mere skin, that is, the invisible and unbreakable spirit within. I have exposed every weakness found in me, man and society, denounced governments regardless economic wealth or spiritual debts...
Creative Writing #5756 - saldevate 11:38 AM ET October 27, 2004Reo Del Cigarrillo - The Prequel to the sequel
Autumn WadeAnd I wade in autumn tide, wind arrives with colder chide, sets and weighs for dunes to lie, human nature is slow to die. Grander tears have been shed by mother's red halo in arrears. Clocks set sail into the night, waves return on grounded flight...
Creative Writing #5709 - saldevate 3:47 PM ET October 22, 2004Cape Cod Autumn
Cape Cod AutumnAnchored visions of Cape Cod winds as clouds above shape cornea rings. Autumn's echo subtly cradle summer's fable with sandy zeal. Musewinds sew as tailors do piles o' soulful orphan'd leaves [yellowredbrown]...
Creative Writing #5708 - saldevate 3:46 PM ET October 22, 2004Cape Cod Autumn
Cape Cod AutumnAnchored visions of Cape Cod winds as clouds above shape cornea rings. Autumn's echo subtly cradle summer's fable with sandy zeal. Musewinds sew as tailors do piles o' soulful orphan'd leaves [yellowredbrown]...
Creative Writing #5691 - saldevate 10:42 AM ET October 21, 2004Poem: Paper
Will need: Birthpaper, travelpaper, midpaper, endpaper. From symbols [etched] on cave walls, to meanings in general, evidence of a meaning. I draw a shadow, but not keep it...
Creative Writing #5678 - saldevate 2:04 PM ET October 19, 2004Rain Bard speaks................
Rain has arrived on this date, someone's birthday, someone's deathday, someone's stillday. I'm trapped inside a modern building with windows to the highway, with windows to trees, with windows to infinity. Wherever water stagnates a puddle is born and someone is meant to be splashed...
Creative Writing #5659 - saldevate 11:33 AM ET October 15, 2004Wake Up People of the Masses
que clase de idiotas somos que sin quejarnos aceptamos el alza de precio, de la gasolina, la transportacion, la comida, los servicios publicos, los impuestos, etcetera, etcetera....... prefiero los dias de mi juventud donde las huelgas a piedras, fuego de llantas y botellas molotov se imponian contra el abuso total de las autoridades enmascaradas, donde el pueblo tenia una voz, tenia los huevos bien puestos.. que huevada que compromiso por ser civilizados no decimos nada callamos como conchas nos dejamos pisar y mansos seguimos, hipnotizados por la conveniencia a la modernidad mansos como vacas gordas mansos como nubes contaminadas mansos como agua de lago ser civilizado no quiere decir ser castrados despierten pendejos Reo Del Cigarrillo Octubre De Tu Madre 15, 2004
Creative Writing #5638 - saldevate 8:33 AM ET October 13, 2004LOVESONG
Todos mis hermanos son pendejos, viven bien lejos con sus esposas y cosas que llaman hogar Yo, el cascarrabias de la familia siempre el cínico, el critico del todo y todos, un día pararé en el calabozo, incluso por mofar y decir disparates como - afeita el bush de kerry. Hostigado de ser parásito dentro el intestino de la sociedad me tiro por todos lados, choco la cabeza contra edificios, carros, camiones y matones. Qué suerte tendré como perro bastardo, perro del barrio, perro del mundo, con el hocico partido...
Creative Writing #5628 - saldevate 2:47 PM ET October 12, 2004Sal De Vate = Reo Del Cigarrillo
Rapping con tos de perro Un momento mientras asesoro el talento el tesoro de tu trasero quilates de oro Sigo derecho tu línea del pecho a tu ombligo ni te obligo ser mi amigo Me lanzo de pico a ti desnuda al triangulo rico ron de Bermuda No hay sabios pero tus labios perlas de mar quítame el mal Un momento más mientras por detrás con el taladro voy a cazar tu toy Reo Del Cigarrillo Octubre 12, 2004
Creative Writing #5591 - drfaustus7 10:18 PM ET October 10, 2004
martinbeck3: . . ...
Creative Writing #5562 - martinbeck3 8:07 PM ET October 8, 2004Dr.Faustus: This is me not my Imposter:Reo del Cigarrillo is the sort of writer you describe and he is very happy writing his poetry we all enjoy so much here.Plus we have Blinkt.
Creative Writing #5558 - saldevate 9:18 AM ET October 8, 2004La Verdad Es Una Metralladora
How could I remain mellow when at my age where my peers are catching up with the 80's, I still listen to "Rage Against the Machine", and read the headlines, yes, only the headlines to reaffirm everyday that I remain useless as ever, where my existence, regardless whether I am a good son, brother, father, or husband had anything more to contribute to the world of extremes, where the population in the modern world is obese, and famine is a word for the fashionistas. Whether some of us realize it or not, in case of a real national crisis when all of us reach the bottom, the real economic bottom, survival of the fittest would not even be a term for the real savvy, the bottom would be more horrifying than any cheap vulgar obscene ""B" movie; our society truly consists of superfluous fluff, only buoyant through the mechanics of a layer of economic fat, known as "disposable" income. Eliminate this layer, and away goes money spent on electronic gadgets, overpriced coffee/ clothes/ name labels, oversized vehicles, fast food chains and on...
Creative Writing #5547 - saldevate 9:45 AM ET October 7, 2004Howard Dean was the favorite and top democrat runner, until he was backed up by Al Gore, and his lead evaporated after he did his famous "yell" proclamation that he would win the Democaratic nomination after losing the first 2 state democratic elections. Some will differ with this account, but the result is the same, Kerry won the democrat support. Tomorrow's debate between El Emperador Jorge Arbusto El Segundo should be muy interestante...
Creative Writing #5537 - saldevate 4:22 PM ET October 6, 2004Che(co) Martin(ez) (shampu)Beck
Estuvo bueno el debate anoche, el democrata le dio unas buenas contestaciones a Pene Cheney. Pero al final, no cambiara las predicciones de noviembre 2. Asi que comprate un casco de guerra y una mascara lagrimogena cuando pases por los cincuenta estados inertes...
Creative Writing #5536 - saldevate 4:08 PM ET October 6, 2004Roberto Dylan para el premio nobel
Casi que escupo el tinto negro que me tomaba al leer en Yahoolandia punto come que Roberto Dylan es considerado uno de los favoritos para este anio quien lo creyera que alguien que apenas abre la boca para cantar? quien viene despues - el otro hippie de Nueva Hersey Bruce Veranosteen? Que locuras!..
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