Married man looking
for females 18 to 25
It is not the sex
between your legs
that I am longing for.
It is not the mind
between your ears
that I am yearning for.
It is not the eyes
between your head
and pelvis rolling in bed.
It is not the youth
of the flesh driving
my instincts south.
It is not per chance
to meet in anonymity
and forget who I am
as long as you are
willful to quench
the desire to come.
It is not the need
to dial a phone
without numbers
and obligations.
It is not to heed
and address
the abundant
nymphs in need.
But remember:
Willing to do jail
time for some fun.
For all the imperfections,
fire burns less on earth
to tempt the naive,
and all's forgiven;
when the real hell
awaits to collect.
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