Friday, December 02, 2005

A book, a hooker and a clock

I never judge a book
by its cover,
though it must get
my attention to at least
browse through its pages.

You can't judge a hooker
by her outfit or lack of
or her tired legs
or her tired skin
or the wrinkles on her hand.

Many times time is told
by the face of the clock
and that very same clock
can be wrong.

Clocks don't know what
they are saying
nor they know how to tell time.
Their arms just go round and round
till the batteries run out
or someone pulls the plug.

A book, a hooker and clock,
it's easy to judge at first sight
but one must take a closer look
and question their purpose.

One feeds the mind,
the other teases the flesh
and the last tell you nothing relative
to time but numbers.

From - Salt 'N Pepper