Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Question a question

Why not knot a y?
Y a why not knot?
Not y why a knot?
Y why knot a not?
Knot not?
Who's there?
Knot not?
Whose there?
Y not who's there?
Is there a knot not?
I don't know why y why not?


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Circular love
I am in love
with me
as me
in love
with me.
Love me
love me
I am love
in me
with me
as me
in love.
Love love me
I love love
I love me
me I love.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

better than Kevin Johansen?

saldevate - 4:04 PM ET May 12, 2006 (#9461 of 9476)
Reo Del Cigarrillo

quizas, pero no se donde

Martin - check out Kevin Johansen and the Nada, the album title is City Zen, that guy is incredible....he's got a song that goes "No es un bar, no es un pub, es el Buenos Aires Antisocial Club...", talk about a bilingual artist, he's one to check out..

martinbeck3 - 9:56 AM ET May 13, 2006 (#9462 of 9476)

Of course I know Kevin Johanssen he´s the coolest,He was in Pinamar(holiday place) this summer but we couldn´t get tickects.Everybody said it was a great concert.

martinbeck3 - 9:59 AM ET May 13, 2006 (#9463 of 9476)

Everybody listen to Kevin:

martinbeck3 - 12:42 PM ET May 13, 2006 (#9464 of 9476)

Kevin could do good using your lyrics.His are O.K. but yours are much better.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Si supieras como detesto a la televisión,
pero como adicto, estupefacto,
sentado en el sofá mamo todas las imágenes,
hasta la misma propaganda que evito me la sé de memoria.

Por mas que el dedo pulgar no se cansa de cambiar el canal,
siempre me canso de lo que veo,
tengo el síndrome de déficit de atención,
junto con la falta de interés de leer tan solo los titulares;
proclamaría una huelga nacional en mi mente
o un golpe de estado militar a lo Chávez,
o un romance con la árabe de Shakira,
y si ella esta de gira que venga la negra Beyoncé -
siempre ando con las pilas cargadas.

Tengo mas cuentas que cuentos
y el gobierno quiere escuchar
a mis conversaciones aburridas por teléfono,
no soy responsable por sus suicidios.
No tengo lengua de rapero o de serpiente,
no llamo regatón música pero si al ruido del tren.
Tengo dedos en la mano: uno para persignarme,
otro para tirar la gatilla, otro para manifestarme
y el otro para su y-griega.

Piensas que vas a morir ahora, jódete coño,
aquí te quedaras con nosotros, con el televisor prendido.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Fe de Errata por Errata de Fe

en la ciudad de luces apagadas 1
dos cuerpos se unen bajo intensos momentos olvidadizos 2
por las calles ambulan caras encendidas de televisores, 3
flores nacen agachándose de las balas 4
niños alquilan sus sueños al mejor dibujo animado 5
libros de bibliotecas pasean al cementerio del olvido... 6

en la ciudad de luces apagadas 1
hambre corre a velocidad de luz 2
comercio escurre sudor barato 3
lagartijas se apoderan de la casa blanca 4
el residente cabeza hueca ocupa el trono 5
y todos sujetados a 8 años de ineptitud 6


Friday, May 05, 2006

Born a muse to die a wreck

I don't know what it is,
somehow, mysteriously
a poem grows inside my head,
verses sounds great
ends in rhymes
thoughts are deep,
with music as cadence,
never been written before.
As the poem goes from concept
to a form similar to calligraphy,
it falls apart, it self destructs
it wilts, it stinks.
So, here it is,
another bomb,
a muse straight from my head
through my hand-me-down pen
to your attentive eyes:
a convulsion of disemboweled words.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Cinderella, try this shoe on,
if it doesn't fit, someone else will put them on;
the jester brings a sidekick to the gala
to deflect attention from his bumbling self;
call the plan an invasion or a settlement -
call the reverse plan to build a wall by the rio,
change the status without much forethought:
political myopia is the game for a vote.
Cinderella, you are so pretty in your cheap dress,
did you leave the pen's door open
for the rascal to scrounge some bucks,
to scrape the bottom of the well
or don't you care at all.
I know, I know, all come through the door;
but could I go to their house unannounced?
Silly me Cinderella for not looking the other way,
but while I did look the other way -
others were lining up outside the door,
and then through the windows.